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Home > Walk Help > Walk Donation Help > Walkers > Can I send in donations for more than one participant in one envelope?
Can I send in donations for more than one participant in one envelope?
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We encourage you to send one envelope per walker to ensure your donations are processed quickly. If you wish to credit a particular team or individual please be sure to include an offline donation form found on that individuals fundraising page or a note that states:

  • Walk Name, Individual or Team to Credit


If you have multiple people in your household with donations you would like to turn in all at once please be as specific as possible as to how the donations should be credited. The more information you provide the faster we can process your donations. Also, in order for donations to be credited online, the participant must be registered online. You can register online at


Make checks payable to Autism Speaks and mail to:
Autism Speaks Walk
P.O. Box 199
Rocky Hill, NJ 08553-0199

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